Laia Balcells


Curriculum vitae

Department of Government

Georgetown University


Do Third-Party Guarantors Reassure Foot Soldiers?

Natalia Garbiras-Díaz, Michael Weintraub, L. Fergusson, J. G. Duque, Laia Balcells

Social Science Research Network, 2023

Territorial disputes and affective polarization

Laia Balcells, L. Daniels, Alexander Kuo

European Journal of Political Research, 2023

The Wars of Others: The Effect of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Spanish Nationalism

Laia Balcells, J. F. Tellez, Francisco Villamil

Journal of Politics, 2023

The “Weight” of Territorial Issues: Evidence from Catalonia, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

Laia Balcells, L. Daniels, Alexander Kuo

Comparative politics, 2023

Revolution in Civil War: The 'Marxist Paradox'

Laia Balcells, S. Kalyvas

Social Science Research Network, 2022

Secessionist conflict and affective polarization: Evidence from Catalonia

Laia Balcells, Alexander Kuo

Journal of Peace Research, 2022

Do TJ policies cause backlash? Evidence from street name changes in Spain

Francisco Villamil, Laia Balcells

Research & Politics, 2021

Preferences in Between: Moderates in the Catalan Secessionist Conflict

Laia Balcells, Alexander Kuo

Politics and Governance, 2021

Secession and social polarization: Evidence from Catalonia

Laia Balcells, José Fernández-Albertos, Alexander Kuo


Do Transitional Justice Museums Persuade Visitors? Evidence from a Field Experiment

Laia Balcells, Valeria Palanza, Elsa Voytas

Journal of Politics, 2020

Repression and Dissent in Contemporary Catalonia

Laia Balcells, Spencer Dorsey, J. Tellez

British Journal of Political Science, 2020

The Double Logic of Internal Purges: New Evidence from Francoist Spain

Laia Balcells, Francisco Villamil

Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, 2020

New findings from conflict archives

Laia Balcells, Christopher M. Sullivan


Using a natural experiment to estimate the electoral consequences of terrorist attacks

Laia Balcells, Gerard Torrats-Espinosa

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018

Preferences for Inter-Regional Redistribution

Laia Balcells, José Fernández-Albertos, Alexander Kuo


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