Laia Balcells


Curriculum vitae

Department of Government

Georgetown University


Georgetown University

Political Violence through Film

Ways of Knowing Seminar, Georgetown University

This seminar is designed to facilitate a profound examination of political violence through the medium of film.

Civil Wars in Developing Countries

Undergraduate lecture

In this course, we analyze leading theories of civil war outbreak, dynamics, and termination.

Conflict Resolution Theory

Introductory class for the M.A. in Conflict Resolution

This course offers MA students an exploration of key inquiries and theories within the realm of conflict resolution.

PhD Proseminar

PhD level course

This course aims to help PhD students in developing their dissertation prospectus.

Civil Wars and Substate Conflict

PhD and MA seminar

In this class we undertake an in-depth and overarching examination of the literature on domestic armed conflict. We attempt to understand the causes of civil wars, their dynamics and characteristics, and their consequences.


PhD and MA seminar

In this class, we explore terrorism from a comparative perspective. The goal of the course is to understand the causes, dynamics, and consequences of this type of political violence.

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